Collecting Loyalty Points
Points (or stamps depending on card configuration) are awarded automatically on checkout.
To earn points a user must be logged in and the account associated to the cart. Please refer to our user authentication page for guidance on login or registration.
NOTE: The point is actually added to the card when the order is accepted, so sometimes there is a delay, this is handled by providing a specific endpoint to tell the user how many points they have earned before they're added.
NOTE: These mutations and queries will only work when used with a valid customer ID and apiKey which should be received during user authentication.
To find points earned:
query GetStampsForOrder($transactionId: String) {
getStampsForOrder(transactionId: $transactionId) {
loyaltyCard {
Example variables:
"transactionId": "GLKNLA"
Example response:
"data": {
"getStampsForOrder": [
"loyaltyCard": {
"id": "74c7479b-9051-4de9-bc25-baa242acfb1d",
"name": "Origin Loyalty Card"
"stampCount": 3